Explanatory Datasheet



- This application is realised under MySql, PHP and HTML programs
- If you want to get this application ready to use or adapted for you, we propose to put it on USB-3 key of 8Go.
This include :
- Softwares PHP, MySql & Apache.
- Presentation adapted to your need.
- Database associated.

Important remark : This application can be used either by English or French users.
There are seven cells that are automatiquely translated :
- Language, country, object, state of the object, type, from, location
This allows to use only one database french/english whatever you choose "Bibliotheque (french)"
or "Library (english)"
Of course, you create your record in your own language !
But the user will find data according his own language,
and discover if the record was writen in french or english.

All in one works as an independant application. You can plug in your USB key on any computer.
(MAC computer are not tested, sorry, I have no model, I left Apple in 1995 !)
- If you want to put this application on your home computer, we will give you the procedure.

If you need more informations, please use the Dialog Box.
Thank you for your interest.



Web Master
- Date of publisher is the date where object was published, not the creation date.
- A record can be created and modified either in english or in french.
- There is a single database containing
   28 cells filled in your own language, and
   2*7 cells used for english translation (7 cells) and french translation (7 cells).
- It is IMPORTANT to be precise when you create a record when using proposed "Scrolling menu",
   because Modification and Duplication modes need a manual translation in the other language.

Listings This area gives the listing of available products, sorted by your choice.
To see the detail of the record, clic on the No.

Printing Listing mode : Top screen menu => File => Print => Property => Select Lansdscape presentation
Menu Research : Top screen menu => File => Print => Property => Select Lansdscape presentation

Research 1 - Research is done in all cells, by word or part of word.
Take care the way you write your request to be more accurate. Look in the listing, the way data are written.
e.g.: Space after a word can improve your reseach (e.g. Château "space" will give you only "Château".
Just "Château" will give you in addition records with "Châteauneuf")
2 - Research by word begining by...(always in all cells) is more precise.
e.g. Word begining by "field" will not give you a word containing "Copperfield"

Create a record This option open a new record that you can fill.
Do not leave a blank cell. Minimum is to put "-" if you have no information to put.
CAUTION => Exception for this software : Apostrophies must be replaced by "*".
For some cells it is proposed a scrolling menu to select data.
This is conveniant to get homogeneous informations with other records.



of the

This step is done after creating a record. This because we need the traking number created by the software.
Each record has a single traking number.
Parameters of the picture : You will have to use your drawing software to adapt the picture.
Height : 500 pixels. Width : not necessary. Your picture will fit the reserved space in the screen.
Extension : JPG or PNG (color)
Once your genuine picture is correctly sized, use "resize picture" from Windows, and choose "854' * 480" format. Target is to have a 50ko picture.
Name of the picture : Max lenght = 30 characters, including extension. Give it a recognized name for the next step.
Format of the name of the picture : Once your new record is saved, the tracking number is created.
Open you last record created by using "modify" menue. At top right of the screen you will see "photo".
Name of the photo is to be placed in this cell.
e.g. : 421_2005_xxx.jpg (lower case, no special characters)
"xxx" can be "dvd" or "cas" for cassette or "33t" or "45t" or "78t" for discs.
No use of the three last digits for books. e.g.: 425_2005.jpg
Then save your record, rename your picture with the name of the picture you put in the record and save your picture in the folder "bib_photos".
Verify your job :
Open your last record and verify that the picture is in the left part of the screen.

Modification This parameter is usefull to update your record if necessary. e.g. Change location, correct data...
Web Master When you change a parameter that is automatiquely translated into french when creating a record, you have to check manually the translation after modifying a record.
If not checking translation, research in the other language may be wrong
Parameters to check are : Country, Language, Object, Category, State, Place and From...
Go to Menu "Web Master", clic in a green cells (any), and select your record No to check the translation.

Duplication This is a usefull tool when you have several identical books. e.g. from the same publisher.
Select a record already existing.
Modify parameters Title, location, weight, deepth, author... then clic on "register".
This will create a new record with a genuine register number.
Verify your new record, and go to "modification menu" to add the name of the picture
Rename your picture and put it in the folder "bib_photos". Then verify your job.


on this
There are SEVEN parameters that are bilingual : Country - Object - Language - From... - Place - State - Type.
- When you create a record, these parameters are automatiquely recorded in both languages.
- When you Modify or Duplicate a record,
these parameters are mondified ONLY in the laguage of the database your are using.
You can be in "Bibliothèque" (French), or in "Library" (English).
Parameters in the other language WILL NOT BE MODIFIED.
- It is up to you to note the No of the records Modified or Duplicated and to check the translation
(Menu "Web Master" => Green Cells)

Web Master Do not hesitate to use the Dialog Box (Contact the Web Master)
- When you need explanations
- If you want your own copy customised.
  Either on your own computer
  Or on an external Web Site using MySql database (with your password)